The Biker Boyz Harz have created a really good calendar. The proceeds will be donated to charity. I will give away two copies of the calendar here. Participate and...
Author - Andreas Denner
Hello, I am called Ugly and I hope you liked what you just read ***
About me: I am a bit crazy about motorcycles and always curious about new things. If I am passionate about something, then I'll go with great enthusiasm to the cause and try as much as possible to take. ***
I also run the YouTube channels "Motorrad Nachrichten", "Motorcycles News" and "MotoVlog VR" **************************************************************************************************************
Hallo, man nennt mich Ugly und ich hoffe euch hat gefallen was ihr gerade gelesen habt ***
Über mich: Ich bin etwas Motorradverrückt und immer neugierig auf Neues. Wenn ich von etwas begeistert bin, dann geh ich mit großem Enthusiasmus an die Sache und versuche so viel wie möglich mitzunehmen. ***
Ich betreibe neben der Seite hier auch die YouTube-Kanäle "Motorrad Nachrichten", "Motorcycles News" und "MotoVlog VR"
Motorcycle Fair Friedrichshafen “Motorcycle World Bodensee” 2015
The 2015 season starts with a highlight in the season. As can be seen in the picture above is offered at the show some action!
The Unrideables 2 – This documentary is about 1989-1993. Incredible and almost unrideables hp-monster with 500 cc and about 160 hp at 120 kg. A small twitch in...
Three hot bikes from Italy for 2015. The differences between the three supersports, what’s new and what performance they have you read in this post.
ROAD – the DVD about the Dunlop clan, the light and dark sides of the road race
One thing first, I can really only recommend the documentary! Who reads further be reckoned with spoilers, but the story of Joey Dunlop, his brother Robert and his two...
17 years ago Yamaha revealed the first R1. Now the 2015er R1 is presented. Apart from the name nothing is the same. Here all data for the new 1000cc and the differences...
On 10.25.2014 took place a tourist ride for motorcycles and cars on the Hockenheimring in Baden-Württemberg. Here is the report incl. Photos.
Tourist Turns on the Hockenheimring for motorcycles and automobiles
On 10.25.2014, it is finally time. A tourist Turn on the Hockenheimring is planned.
Construction sites are hated because they interfere with the flow of traffic, provide congestion and are simply annoying. But there are exceptions! Here is...
It is always spoken of speeders. speed cameras marathon to catch the speeders … Flashed but even if someone is driving 10 km / h too fast. Is it because there...
Silence about the new Superbike from Kawasaki. Long people knew nothing about it, and then you got from Kawasaki just a few hints. Now the cat is out of the bag. Here is...
This time we went for a instructortraining to Hockenheim. There were plans for six turns to work on riding technique and line, lots of photos and videos to make for the...
Police escort, 600 bikes, lots of action and fun, it could be the Autumn tour of Braapaholics summarized on 14/09/2014.
One already in front, the Glemseck 101 was in 2014, a total success and I hope none of you missed it! Who but unfortunately missed it, but can at least now read more...
For the second time, the Braapaholics invite you to tour together. All 125 are welcome, regardless of whether Scooter, Quad, Cross, Sport Bike … There are already...
In two weeks, it’s that time again, at 05-9.7.2014 starts the Glemseck 101 for 9th times. The brand and type of cross-open-air event is organized by the hotel...
Rumble strips are used more and more to tackle the so-called motorcycle racer in Germany. What does the new method in the fight against the accident statistics? Or can...
Who has the Bike & Music Weekend missed in Geiselwind, has really missed something! With great weather was a lot on offer there. You had to gaze when one does over...
If you read this, burns may be seeing the rubber in Geiselwind! Here you will find 13 times the Bike & Music Festival. Stunt, bike show, drag racing, burnout action...
A wet spot on the road and you take the beads of sweat on his forehead. When wet, there is indeed no grip and lubricates immediately, right?