Sinje Gottwald runs the online blog "Okimototravels", Kinga Tanajewska the blog "onherbike". The two bloggers travel the world independently of each other and report on their blogs. Now they are going on a big tour together.

Sinje Gottwald runs the online blog “Okimototravels”, Kinga Tanajewska the blog “onherbike”. The two bloggers travel the world independently of each other and report on their blogs. Now they are going on a big tour together.


Sinje started her trip around the world over three years ago, but had to interrupt due to Corona in March and therefore even had to leave her own motorcycle in Africa.

Kinga was still traveling in Sudan in February. Because of the circumstances, she too had to leave her motorcycle behind and return to her homeland, Poland.


The setbacks could not stop the two, because they set off on a European tour last week. Indian Motorcycles equipped the both with an FTR1200 and an FTR Rally.

Pamela Beckmann, herself a blogger, world traveler and responsible for marketing in Germany and Austria: “I can no longer imagine life without a motorcycle. So it was clear that we would support them. We wish a lot of fun on the FTRs and look forward to many great photos from the tours. ”


The reports of the trip will also appear on the Indian Motorcycle Deutschland Facebook channel and on the homepage 


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-05-08 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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