Author - Andreas Denner

Hello, I am called Ugly and I hope you liked what you just read ***
About me: I am a bit crazy about motorcycles and always curious about new things. If I am passionate about something, then I'll go with great enthusiasm to the cause and try as much as possible to take. ***
I also run the YouTube channels "Motorrad Nachrichten", "Motorcycles News" and "MotoVlog VR" **************************************************************************************************************
Hallo, man nennt mich Ugly und ich hoffe euch hat gefallen was ihr gerade gelesen habt ***
Über mich: Ich bin etwas Motorradverrückt und immer neugierig auf Neues. Wenn ich von etwas begeistert bin, dann geh ich mit großem Enthusiasmus an die Sache und versuche so viel wie möglich mitzunehmen. ***
Ich betreibe neben der Seite hier auch die YouTube-Kanäle "Motorrad Nachrichten", "Motorcycles News" und "MotoVlog VR"

Is Norton insolvent?

The accounting firm (BDO) UK has taken over the management of Norton Motorcycles. The background is open tax claims. The BDO’s task is to support customers...

Comes an electric CBR?

A patent from Honda has emerged and showing an electric motorcycle reminiscent of a CBR. A lot of information is not yet known, but if you consider the handlebar...

Zero announces new SR/S

The electric naked bike SR/F from the American manufacturer Zero is now also to be released in a fully fairing version. The Zero SR/S is to be presented on February 24...

Triumph and Bajaj Announce Partnership

A partnership had been planned for over two years, and on January 24, 2020, it now became official. They want to attack together in the 200–750cc segment. It is a long...

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