For over a decade, the harmonious partnership between Touratech and Metzeler has symbolized a shared pioneering spirit in the motorcycle world, setting standards through innovation, exclusivity and synergistic strategies in marketing and social media. The two traditional companies, known for their quality and robustness, interweave their skills and visions to keep breaking new ground in the exciting world of adventure riding.

Collaboration based on innovation and quality

In the world of motorcycles, the name Metzeler has long been synonymous with quality and innovation.  With roots dating back to 1863 and a first patent for a rubber tire in 1892, Metzeler has established itself as one of the leading premium brands for motorcycle tires.  The company’s products are known for their innovativeness, quality and exceptional robustness, symbolized by the elephant in its trademark.

Touratech, another industry heavyweight, shares these values and has worked closely with Metzeler for over 13 years.  “The passion for motorcycling inspires the development of products of the highest quality,” emphasizes Philipp Blum, Senior Marketing Manager at Touratech.  The collaboration is based on shared values such as quality, reliability and robustness.


Joint projects and adventures

The two companies have teamed up on numerous projects to drive innovation.  One example is Touratech and Metzeler’s support of the Adventure Country Tracks (ACT).  At these events, all motorcycles are equipped with Metzeler tires, with the Metzeler Karoo 4 currently the official tire of the ACT team.

This cooperation brings many benefits, as Benedikt Zacher, Head of Trade & Consumer Marketing Moto DACH & BNL & DK at Metzeler, explains: “We get valuable feedback from the track scouts on the performance of our tires under real conditions.”


Exclusivity and customer proximity

Touratech not only relies exclusively on Metzeler tires at events, the demo bikes in the Touratech showrooms are also equipped with them.  In addition, the tire professionals from Metzeler offer a tire change service at many events.  This close cooperation enables both companies to establish direct proximity to the customer, especially to a target group that places high demands on quality.


Synergies in marketing and social media

The partnership is also proving fruitful in the areas of marketing and social media.  Metzeler branding is present on all Touratech print advertisements, and content is often shared jointly on social media.  This collaboration often leads to valuable synergies, especially when it comes to contacting key influencers in the motorcycle scene.


Looking to the future

The partnership between Touratech and Metzeler is more than just a business collaboration; it is an organically grown relationship between two companies that share a common vision.  Both partners are confident that their collaboration will continue into the future, and look forward to continuing to ride together in the fascinating world of adventure riding.



The long-standing and multifaceted partnership between Touratech and Metzeler is symbolic of the pursuit of quality and innovation in the motorcycle industry.  Through joint projects, customer proximity and synergetic marketing strategies, both companies set standards and look optimistically to the future of Adventure Riding.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-29 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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