When it comes to motorcycle tires, innovation and continuous improvement are the name of the game.  Bridgestone, one of the world's leading tire manufacturers, is following exactly this path with the launch of the Battlax Hypersport S23.

A historic moment in innovation

The Battlax series, Bridgestone’s premium class of motorcycle tires, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.  Continuing this tradition, Bridgestone is launching the Battlax Hypersport S23.  This tire, which will be available in January 2024, is not only a tribute to the four decades of Battlax history, but also a clear sign of the company’s future in hypersport motorcycle tires.


What makes the Battlax Hypersport S23 special?

Sporty riders know how important it is to have the right grip on the road, whether it’s a twisty mountain track or a snappy race track.  The Battlax Hypersport S23 is designed to do just that: With an optimized rubber composition in the shoulder area, it provides better contact with the asphalt, maximizing grip in corners.  Combined with Pulse Groove technology in the tread pattern, it guarantees top performance not only on dry, but also on wet roads.  The result? More grip, more precise handling and increased driver confidence, according to Bridgestone’s promise.


Balancing safety and driving pleasure

For Bridgestone, the focus is always on the rider, and not just in terms of pure riding enjoyment.  Safety and reliability are equally central concerns for the company.  With products like the Battlax Hypersport S23, Bridgestone underscores its commitment to a safer motorcycle culture.  In line with the Bridgestone E8 Commitment, the company is committed to providing motorcyclists with the highest level of safety while offering an inspiring and comfortable riding experience.


Versatility in size selection

Bridgestone knows that not every machine is the same.  That’s why the Battlax Hypersport S23 offers a wide range of tire sizes to fit the most popular sportbike models.  For the front wheel, the tire comes in a 120/70ZR17 size, while there are five sizes to choose from for the rear wheel – 160/60ZR17, 180/55/ZR17, 190/50ZR17, 190/55ZR17 and 200/55ZR17.


Bestseller Nr. 1
Bridgestone (58W) TL TL 58 W Schwarz 120 70 ZR17 (58W)*
  • Diese Reifen bieten Ihnen den Griff, den Sie brauchen, um sicher, komfortabel und effizient Bildlauf durch den Großstadtdschungel
  • fit type; universelle passform
  • Bridgestone
Bestseller Nr. 2
Bridgestone BATTLAX BT-46F - 100/90-18 56H M/C Front - Premium-Strassenreifen (Sport Touring)*
  • Der Battlax BT46 ist die Weiterentwicklung des legendären Battlax BT45, moderne Technologien steigern die Performance
  • Verbesserte Performance in allen Bereichen - auch auf nasser Straße
  • Die neue Profilgestaltung reduziert unregelmäßigen Verschleiß und gibt dem Fahrer ein hervorragendes Feedback sowie ein verbessertes Handling
  • Bridgestone hat den BT 46 entwickelt, um die breite Auswahl an diagonal bereiften Motorrädern im Touring-Segment abzudecken
  • Möglicher passender Hinterreifen: 130/90-16 67H Rear; 120/80-17 61H Rear; 130/80-17 65H Rear; 110/90-18 61H Rear; 120/80-18 62H Rear; 130/70-18 63H Rear; 130/90-17 68V Rear; 120/90-18 65V Rear...
Bestseller Nr. 3
Bridgestone BATTLAX A-41R G - 170/60 R17 72V M/C Rear - Premium-Strassenreifen (Abenteurer)*
  • Reifenart: Motorradreifen
  • Fahrzeugtyp: MOTOR
  • Hersteller: BRIDGESTONE
  • Profil: BATTLAX A41

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-22 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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