The Motorcycle Live motorcycle exhibition at NEC Birmingham has been confirmed for 2021. It is to take place from 04 to 12 December.

The Motorcycle Live motorcycle exhibition at NEC Birmingham has been confirmed for 2021. It is to take place from 04 to 12 December.


Which manufacturers will be exhibiting at the show has yet to be decided. BMW and KTM have already announced that they will no longer be represented at the major trade shows. They want to concentrate on presenting their products to a wide audience online. Suzuki has not made a corresponding announcement, but recently held its own online trade show with its Motorcycle Salon.


This also raises the question of whether and how motorcycle shows will be held in the future. Finlay McAllan, managing director of Motorcycle Live, is confident that trade shows will continue to be popular: “We’re excited to welcome visitors back to the NEC, for what is already shaping up to be a fantastic show.  To be able to offer something to look forward to will see us end the year on a high – where once again two-wheel fans can be together to soak up the first major show in the UK for two years.  The 2021 event promises a real treat – something everyone deserves.”


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