The Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (TT) is extremely well known and probably the largest and most dangerous road race in the world. The race in 2015 start soon, so I want to provide you with some background knowledge for Wise guy. What‘s with the flags? What strange stories there are for TT? The history?

The island Isle of Man” data

The island is not part of the EU and has its own currency, the Isleof-Manpounds. It has approximately 85,500 inhabitants and an area of 572 km². The island has about 800 km of roads. Its emblem is Lady Ilisabeth“, the largest working waterwheel.

The track has a length of 37.37 miles or 60 km.

Meaning of the flag of the Isle of Man?

Flagge Isle of Man TTThe flag shows a Triskele. This is a Celtic symbol in the form of three legs. The legs stuck in a suit of armor. The Triskele is found not only in the Isle of Man. In Germany, there is also often with incredible similarity. Who would want to see this may click here.

Folksy is the interpretation of the flag like this:

The island is kneeling on England, occurs against Scotland and shows Ireland his contempt

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Fancy Stories for Isle of Man Tourist Trophy

  • Stanly Woods came in 1922 at his debut on the Isle of Man to fifth place. That is in itself very significant, but besides that, he and his machine were in between at a pit stop in flames.
  • 1963 drove the sidecar driver Florian Camathias with mechanic and co-driver to the island. When his transport vehicle went on strike they loaded everything on the sidecar and drove to third in the race equipment on. Because of the tremendous noise of the machine, the three were stopped by police in Liverpool. When the policeman heard that they had a ferry to the Isle of Man caught he let them continue. They won the race there.
  • Mike Hailwood rode bleeding noses and extremely battered-looking machine in 1965 after a fall. At a pit stop he was briefly the handlebars align something. He won the race.
  • 1985 dropped the fishing boat of TT legend Joey Dunlop. The passengers were rescued and salvaged the race bike of Joey from ground. He still won so the race.
  • According to legends live on the island, the so-called Little People”. They live among the Fairy Bridge and are considered lucky charms, which can be annoying but sometimes. In order to vote gently, they are greeted by the passing motorcyclists. In the tree branches at the bridge you find small pieces of paper with greetings and wishes to the Little People”. As a donation for the little ghosts coins are tossed into the Creek.
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Facts about Isle of Man Tourist Trohy (TT)

  • oldest, most dangerous and most controversial motorcycle race in the world
  • 240 curves
  • Since 1911 241 driver died on the road course (Stand 2014)
  • The most successful drivers: Joey Dunlop with 26 wins (stand 2014)
  • The most successful German driver: Siegfried Schauzu (9 total victories in the sidecars)
  • round endurance record: 17 minutes and 6.682 seconds (Bruce Anstey 2014 – Stand 2014)
  • the driver start in 10-second intervals
  • to have the security to increase Newcommer wearing yellow safety vests for the training.
  • Depending on the class lap times of 21.5 and 23 minute you reach in order to qualify in the training.
  • If newcomers contribute the race yellow safety vests, they can take a bonus of 90 sec.
  • Before and after the race the route of the so-called “Travelling Marshalsis removed. There are former racers. Only when they give the OK the route for the race or for public transport is enabled.

As the race originated on the Isle of Man?

At that time was the so-called Red Flag Act“. This means before any motorized vehicle had a man with a red flag to precede to warn other road users. This automatically represented a speed limit.

1903 it was discontinued, it was then a speed limit of 20 km / h. Also for the race was made no exception. England also banned races on non-permanent race tracks.

The Isle of Man use this and allowed 1904 races on closed public trails, also for motorcycles.

1906, on the way back from a race in Austria came racers and officials on the idea race on the Isle of Man to organize.

Where does the name Tourist Trophy?

[sam id=”60″ codes=”true”]The races were originally intended only for touring bikes and not for racing machines that have been designed specifically for a race.

History of the Isle of Man

  • 1907 first race
  • 1922 new class “Lightweight 250” was introduced
  • 1923 team class was introduced, 14 teams, 3 rounds
  • 1924 new class “Ultra Lightweight 175” – this should be the tourist tradition revive the use of motorcycles drove the audience should be increased
  • 1925, the track was completely paved for the first time
  • 1926, the team class was removed from the program. Are Ultra Lightweight must also deleted because too few had reported it. All races were over 4 laps (425 km)
  • 1928 amendment exercise. It was immediately held on a closed track and not in normal traffic. 1927 accident, a driver during the training in normal traffic.
  • 1931, the average speed was about 80 mph first (130 km / h)
  • 1935 was the first time motorized marshals
  • 1937 won for the first time a rider who did not come from England. It was the Italian Omobono Tenni
  • 1938 won the first German rider Ewald Kluge.
  • 1939-1946 forced break due to the Second World War
  • 1947 first race after the Second World War
  • 1947-1952 ban on German drivers in international racing attend.
  • 1949-1976 was the TT to the streets of the FIM World Championship. The British round was held on the TT.
  • 1951 took Inge Stöll the first woman at the TT in part
  • 1957 Golden Jubilee – 50 years
  • 1960 team race resumed the program
  • 1962 new class “Ultra Lightweight TT” to 50 cc (was only 6 years)
  • 1966 race was postponed until September because of the tracks-strikes
  • 1972 boycott, Gilberto Parlotti was killed and many drivers decided the race no longer drive. Helmut Dähne drove this year for the first time there.
  • In 1976, the TT races in the FIM World Cup will be taken. Several riders left the race. Helmut Dähne is first in the TT
  • 1977-1989 TT has World Cup status again, “Form TT”
  • 1985 Introduction of the “Classic TT”. Toni and Peter Rechberger Rubatto first start.
  • In 1992, the two major classes are removed from the program because they are considered too dangerous. Introduction of Classes “Supersport 400” and “Super Sport 600” for pure racing machines. Toni Reich Berger sets new Austrian lap record.
  • In 1994 Dirk Kaletsch starts for the first time
  • 2001 race was canceled due to the foot and mouth disease. The only time in peacetime.
  • 2012 Senior race was canceled due to bad weather.
  • 2013 Horst Saigers first start on the TT
  • 2014 new lap record of Bruce Anstey
  • 2015 – we see in a few days …

Live the Isle of Mann TT 2015 will be not transferred (only in Radio), but it is a daily compilation on MotorvisonTV (receivable on Sky), or the original can be seen in English on ITV4 the Isle of Man TT. ITV4 is banned in Germany. But you can gaze over TV Guide UK. An app is also available.

Who wants to know more or want to get to know the app of the Isle of Man TT should gaze to the report from last year. You can also receive the live radio report from the island via the app.

Sources: Information on the Isle of Man on the Motorradwelt Bodensee 2015

Interview with drivers of TT

Here are two videos of the expert panel on the Isle of Man on the Motorcycle World Bodensee. Unfortunately, the sound is not optimal

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