Cross-border validity of driving bans
The core idea behind this initiative is to create a system in which driving bans imposed on a driver in one EU country can be enforced in all member states. This approach breaks with previous practice, where sanctions were often only valid in the country where the offense was committed, and leads to an EU-wide application of driving bans.
Stricter rules for serious traffic offenses
In order to standardize the enforcement of driving bans, the European Parliament is also proposing to extend the list of serious traffic offences. In future, these will also include driving without a valid license and speeding at 50 km/h over the limit. Particularly noteworthy is the adjustment of speed limits in residential areas, where exceeding 30 km/h is sufficient to result in a driving ban.
Introduction of strict time limits
In order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the new regulations, clear deadlines have been set for the exchange of information between EU countries. Decisions on driving bans must be communicated within ten working days and a decision on whether the driving ban will be implemented across the EU will be made within a further 15 working days. The affected drivers will be informed of the final decision within seven working days.
Raising awareness and responsibility
It is expected that these measures will not only reduce the number of road accidents, but also raise awareness and responsibility among drivers throughout the EU. EP rapporteur Petar Vitanov emphasized the importance of this initiative: “I am positive that this directive will not only help to reduce road accidents, but will also raise citizens’ awareness of responsible driving and encourage a willingness to follow the rules and accept the consequences for breaking them, no matter where in the EU we drive.”
Now that the European Parliament has approved the new regulations with a majority of 372 votes in favor, 220 votes against and 43 abstentions, the next phase of the legislative process begins. As the Council has not yet determined its position, the issue will be dealt with further by the newly constituted Parliament following the elections in June 2024.
A step towards “Vision Zero”
This initiative is part of a broader road safety package proposed by the European Commission with the aim of improving the safety of all road users and moving closer to the vision of zero road deaths in the EU by 2050.
The introduction of EU-wide driving bans is a step towards improving road safety in the European Union in the long term and creating a more uniform legal system in the area of road safety. These measures are intended to send a clear message: Traffic rules must be respected everywhere in the EU and violations will result in consistent sanctions, regardless of where a vehicle is driven.
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