Der niederländische Ingenieur und Künstler Gijis Schalkx hat einen Honda GX160 Motor umgebaut, um ihn mit natürlich gewonnenem Methan anzutreiben. Es ist ein Versuch, den Verbrennungsmotor auch in einer fossilfreien Zukunft am Leben zu erhalten.

Dutch engineer and artist Gijis Schalkx has converted a Honda GX160 engine to run on naturally derived methane. It’s an attempt to keep the internal combustion engine alive in a fossil-free future.

The idea for using methane came to Gijis when he read about a fisherman who collected swamp methane and used it at sea to fry his meals.


Engine modifications

He drilled a hole in the airbox to allow the engine to suck in the methane. The engine still starts with conventional gasoline, but once it is running, it can be powered entirely by methane gas. Even if this sounds relatively simple, it is not advisable to build it yourself, as there is certainly a certain risk of explosion.


For collecting natural methane, Gijis has designed a special device, he calls it the Plompstation. From there, it must then be pumped into a container on the motorized two-wheeler. The methane in the balloon can then power the engine.


Quote: „Why depend on big corporations and their promises to save the world when you can do it yourself?

The Slootmotor is the one vehicle that truly delivers an alternative. Not relying on high technology, incomprehensible devices and resources from all over the world; it is powered by local, sustainable and environmentally cooling sources. The fuel is harvested with minimal tools and DIY-solutions, straight from your neighbourhood pond or roadside ditch. Transporting yourself has never been this fulfilling and fun before..“


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