In collaboration with Yamaha, Noemi Napolitano designed the Double Y concept bike, a motorcycle for young people, for her senior thesis.

In collaboration with Yamaha, Noemi Napolitano designed the Double Y concept bike, a motorcycle for young people, for her senior thesis.

Napolitano designed the concept for her graduation at the Institute of Applied Arts and Design in Turin. The background for the design was the question of how to get young people excited about motorcycles. Double Y stands for “Yamaha” and “young”.


“Undemanding vehicles”

According to the designer’s analyses, young people today tend to go for “undemanding” vehicles that are cheap, practical and easy to ride. Complicated handling or a luxury item which is difficult to achieve is of less interest.

She tried to design the motorcycle in such a way that it functions as an extension of one’s own body, for this purpose she oriented herself on the human anatomy. Appropriate visual references were also integrated into the design.

The vehicle is not steered by a traditional handlebar. The forearms are positioned on a tray into which two joysticks are integrated for steering. When the vehicle is stationary, these can be retracted into the vehicle; Napolitano was inspired by beetles here.


Electric and networked

The drive system is based on electric technology. In addition, networking between different vehicles is to be an important component. Here, too, everything is to be uncomplicated, simple and easy to operate.


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  • Sie sparen Zeit, Geld und Nerven.

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-10-27 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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