Honda has patented an innovative mirror design that places the mirrors under the handlebars to improve visibility, aerodynamics and steering response.  The design has already been incorporated into a Japan-exclusive model and could find application in future motorcycles.

Honda’s novel mirror design

Honda, the Japanese motorcycle giant, has patented a pioneering idea that stands out from conventional concepts.  The core of the concept lies in the mounting of the mirrors below the handlebars, or more precisely, on the fork leg directly below the upper triple clamp.


What makes this design so special?

This innovative design brings three key benefits.  First, improved visibility for the rider.  Although the idea of “under handlebar mounted” mirrors is not new, Honda tweaks this concept by positioning the mirrors slightly further forward.  This keeps them in the rider’s line of sight, and the reflected image is below the rider’s arms and elbows.  This minimizes the obstructions to vision that are otherwise common.

Second, aerodynamic benefits.  Because the mirrors can be mounted closer to the center of the motorcycle, the aerodynamic forces acting on the steering system are reduced.

Third, improved steering feel.  The proximity of the mirrors to the steering axis reduces the inertia caused by the weight of the mirrors, which has a positive effect on steering feel, although not particularly strong.


First models and further plans

The concept has even found its way into the Japan-exclusive Hawk 11 Cafe Racer model, which is technically based on the Africa Twin but visually comes across as a retro sports bike.  In the future, this mirror design will also be found in other motorcycles.  One particularly exciting model that could benefit from this design is the expected successor to the CB1000R.  This upcoming model is based on the chassis and engine of the CBR1000RR, and there are indications that the innovative mirror design could make its first major appearance there.

In addition, it is also possible that the aftermarket will follow suit and produce mirrors for a wide range of models.


Why still mirrors and not cameras?

When it comes to motorcycling, it’s still impossible to imagine life without rearview mirrors, despite the supposedly advancing technology of rearview cameras.  While some may think cameras will eventually replace mirrors completely, the facts currently show a different picture.  Cameras have their own difficulties adapting to different lighting conditions and offer a fixed viewing angle that allows little flexibility.  In addition, costs and legal hurdles hinder the general use of camera systems.  So it’s clear: rearview mirrors will be with us for the foreseeable future.



Traditional motorcycle mirrors haven’t changed much in years.  But with Honda’s new patented design, they could be in for a serious makeover, improving not only visibility but also the handling of the motorcycle.


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