Royal Enfield is planning the launch of the new Shotgun 650 model. Inspired by the SG650 concept from 2021, this motorcycle combines classic elements with modern features.

Insight into the design: inspired by the SG650 concept

The Shotgun 650, designed by the same team that developed the SG650 concept, presents itself as a close relative of this concept model.  According to Mark Wells, Chief Designer at Royal Enfield, the Shotgun 650 reflects many elements of the original concept.


Limited first edition and its special features

The model was presented for the first time at the Motoverse Festival in Goa, India.  A limited edition of 25 motorcycles with a special paint finish was offered exclusively to visitors to the event.  A mass production version is set to follow in early 2024.


Engine and performance

The Shotgun 650 is powered by a 648cc twin-cylinder engine and is based on the proven 650 twin platform from Royal Enfield.  This engine produces 47 hp (46.9 hp, approx. 35 kW) and offers a torque of 38.3 lb-ft (approx. 51.9 Nm).


Riding characteristics

Siddhartha Lal, Managing Director of Eicher Motors Ltd, describes the handling of the Shotgun 650 as pleasant both on straight roads and when cornering.


Versatile design options

The Shotgun 650 offers customization options such as the choice between a single and double seat.  Design features include a new wheel design with ABS, black engine components, a dual exhaust system and adjustable shock absorbers.



A new player in the cruiser segment.  The Shotgun 650 from Royal Enfield represents an interesting development in the cruiser segment and will certainly attract attentive observers.  Further details and information are awaited.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-04 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

Royal Enfield Shotgun 650
Royal Enfield Concept SG650 (2)

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