The Australian company BrakeBuTT is developing a brake system in which both brakes are automatically activated and which can be retrofitted to any motorcycle.

The Australian company BrakeBuTT is developing a brake system in which both brakes are automatically activated and which can be retrofitted to any motorcycle.


The best possible brakin

The most important brake on the motorcycle is in most cases the front wheel brake, since one can usually achieve the greatest deceleration here. Offroad it usually looks different.

The best possible deceleration is achieved with a combination of front and rear brakes. However, getting the right dosage requires a lot of driving experience and is often not even possible with a emergency braking.

For this reason, some motorcycles are equipped with a combination brake ex works. If one apply the front wheel brake, the rear wheel is also braked slightly. Most motorcycles, however, have classically separate brakes.


Combi brake for everyone

BrakeBuTT wants to bring an easy-to-install accessory system onto the market to turn separate brakes into a combination brake. Money is currently being collected through Kickstarter.

The brake pressure is to be detected by a sensor on the brake lever and passed on to the rear wheel brake. The system should also be possible to deactivate and be adjustable. How much the rear wheel brakes can therefore be adjusted at any time to your own wishes and needs. This means that it can also be used in a wide variety of motorcycle categories, whether for an sportbike or in motocross.


If enough money was raised through Kickstarter, BrakeButt could bring the system to the market for around $ 380. It remains to be seen whether it could also come to the European market and what the TÜV would say.


motogadget mo.view road, glasloser Lenkerendenspiegel, E-geprüft (Black)*
  • motogadget mo.view road, glasloser Lenkerendenspiegel, E geprüft Schwarz
  • Moto Gerät

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-04 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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