The Zero SR/F and SR/S electric motorcycles will be recalled due to possible problems with the brake switch.

The Zero SR/F and SR/S electric motorcycles will be recalled due to possible problems with the brake switch.

The recall comes from the American area. However, since motorcycles are usually manufactured in one factory for worldwide sales, other markets may also be affected.


According to documents from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 659 models in America are likely to be affected.

These are the Zero SR/F and SR/S models, which were produced between February 14 and June 19, 2020.


The brake switch may have been made using an adhesive that is not sufficiently adhesive to allow water to penetrate. The ingress of water could cause the switch to malfunction. This could interrupt two electrical functions, the brake light illumination and/or deactivation of the cruise control when the brake lever is operated.

The switch is replaced in the workshop.

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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-04 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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