Problem description and affected models:
The said damage to the spark plugs can lead to unstable idling, hesitation when accelerating and, in the worst case, even unexpected engine stoppage. Such behavior significantly increases the risk of an accident. Around 1,579 motorcycles are affected by this problem, which corresponds to around one percent of the units produced. Production of the affected vehicles took place between January 11, 2023 and November 14, 2023. The affected model variants include:
- 2023 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR KRT Edition
- 2024 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4R ABS
- 2024 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR 40th Anniversary Edition ABS
- 2024 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR ABS
- 2024 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR KRT Edition ABS
The affected chassis numbers (VINs) are in the following ranges, but not sequential:
- ML5ZXCP15RDA09931 to ML5ZXCP16RDA14989
- ML5ZXCS10RDA09911 to ML5ZXCS10RDA14669
- ML5ZXCS11PDA00082 to ML5ZXCS10PDA01482
- ML5ZXCS11RDA09951 to ML5ZXCS13RDA13869
- ML5ZXCS17RDA09971 to ML5ZXCS1XRDA14209
Cause and measures:
In December 2023, Kawasaki received reports of rough idling on several motorcycles. An investigation revealed that a spark plug tightening tool was tilted during operation, which applied excessive lateral force to the spark plugs, damaging some spark plugs during the manufacturing process. In response, Kawasaki will replace all four spark plugs on the affected motorcycles free of charge through authorized dealers. The repair time should take less than one hour, but may vary depending on scheduling and availability of parts at the dealer.
Owners who have already incurred costs to fix this problem prior to the recall may be eligible for full or partial reimbursement if they can provide the appropriate receipts.
What should owners do now?
Affected owners should contact their authorized Kawasaki dealer as soon as possible to make an appointment for the recall service. For more information, customers can call Kawasaki Customer Service at 1-866-802-9381, recall number MC27-04, or contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) or visit
It is important to note that the recall originated in the United States and the contact information is for that region. It is not yet clear whether there are also problems in other regions, but since motorcycles are manufactured in a factory for worldwide sale, this is possible.
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