As reported, there was a 5-year traffic trial on several routes in France where lane splitting was allowed in traffic jams. Before that, there was no real regulation, but it was tolerated. – This has now changed.
Since the traffic trial showed a 12 percent increase in traffic accidents, it was subsequently decided to ban filtering. A fine of 135 euros and three points were introduced.
To protest against this, thousands of motorcyclists took to the streets across France last weekend, including Paris, Lille, Toulouse and Lyon. The demonstration was called by the Federation Francaise des Motards en Colere.
The bikers fear that penalties for weaving through traffic jams could be increased and that the new ban will also be enforced and controlled extremely harshly. – As said before, before the traffic trial, it was still tolerated and a penalty was not given for carefully weaving through.
In other countries, weaving through traffic jams is tolerated to some extent or even allowed. In Western Australia it was only recently introduced officially.
Motorcyclists don’t need to be told this, but it’s important to remember that “standing in a traffic jam” in the summer can be unbearable and even hazardous to your health. Motorcyclists are basically sitting with their heavy safety clothing directly over the hot engine and not in an air-conditioned car. They don’t even have shade, and they also have to keep their helmets on their heads, since they have to be ready to move on at any time.
So it has nothing to do with privilege if motorcyclists want to ride through traffic jams. Often, however, other road users do not allow them to do so, which also leads to this problem.
“If I have to stand in a traffic jam, so you should too!” – What is the point of such thinking, however, is not really clear to me.
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