Kawasak has already taken a significant step into the future with the introduction of the Ninja 7 Hybrid in 2023.  This model followed the prototype that was unveiled at EICMA in 2022.  Shortly afterwards, Kawasaki surprised everyone with the Z7 Hybrid, which is built on the same basis.  Current speculation now points to a possible addition to the hybrid fleet: the Versys 7 Hybrid.

Development of a new hybrid model

Patents filed in Japan show Kawasaki’s 451cc parallel twin hybrid engine in a motorcycle that is strongly reminiscent of the Versys adventure tourer.  Characteristic features include long-distance suspension, increased ground clearance and an upright riding position.  These aspects suggest that Kawasaki could now also introduce its hybrid technology into the adventure touring sector.


A look at the patent

The patent mainly relates to the cooling system already used on the Ninja 7 Hybrid and Z7 Hybrid models.  Interestingly, this is the first reference to a Versys-like design in the patents relating to hybrid technology.  The previous patents showed either the Ninja 7 Hybrid design or abstracted, generic models.  The patent drawings show the same main components as the Ninja 7 Hybrid and Z7 Hybrid models, but the underseat box for the main battery is missing.


Market opportunities and customer benefits

The growing popularity of adventure bikes on the market suggests that a Versys 7 Hybrid could achieve good sales figures.  In particular, the combination of range and fuel efficiency of the hybrid drive could appeal to customers.  Furthermore, the additional weight of the two drive systems (combustion engine and electric motor) is less noticeable in this segment.  Another attractive feature could be the automated clutch, comparable to the DCT system on Honda’s Africa Twin.



Although there is no certainty that Kawasaki will actually produce a Versys 7 Hybrid, the patents suggest that the company is seriously considering expanding its hybrid offering.  The move towards adventure touring could open up exciting new opportunities for both Kawasaki and the motorcycle community.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-15 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

Kawasaki Versys 7 Hybrid Patents 1
Kawasaki Versys 7 Hybrid - The future of hybrid adventure motorcycles? 9

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