In Sakura, Japan, an inconspicuous factory facility will play an important role in Honda's strategy in January 2025: the pilot production of solid-state batteries.  This technology is seen as a promising step towards solving the biggest challenges of current lithium-ion batteries.  The aim is to make future generations of electric vehicles - including electric motorcycles - lighter, cheaper and more powerful.

Why solid-state batteries are considered a key technology

Compared to the lithium-ion batteries currently in use, solid-state batteries offer numerous advantages.  They are said to be more compact, lighter and more robust and can be charged more quickly.  They also use materials that are more readily available and pose less of a fire risk.  Honda plans to use the new technology to produce production-ready batteries by the second half of the 2020s, which should offer the following advantages:

  • – 50% reduction in size
  • – 35% weight saving
  • – Cost reduction of 25%


In the long term – by 2040 – Honda expects to make batteries 60% smaller, 45% lighter and 40% cheaper.  These advances could enable either significantly lighter e-vehicles or a doubling of the range.


Production plant as a demonstration project

Although the plant in Sakura is currently only a demonstration project, the equipment used already meets industrial standards.  This means that series production could be started quickly once the test phase has been completed.


How solid-state batteries work

The main difference to conventional lithium-ion batteries lies in the electrolyte: instead of a liquid solution, a solid material is used.  Lithium-ion batteries use a liquid electrolyte consisting of lithium salts in an organic solvent.  Although this enables the transfer of ions between the electrodes, it also has disadvantages:

  • – Fire risk: the liquid electrolyte is flammable. Internal short circuits or overheating can lead to fires that are difficult to extinguish as oxygen is released.
  • – Complex protective measures: To minimize the risk, heavy protective housings are required, which add weight.


Solid-state batteries dispense with liquid components and do not require a separate separator, as the solid electrolytes prevent direct contact between the electrodes.  This makes the batteries more compact, lighter and less sensitive to high temperatures.


Advantages for electric motorcycles

Keiji Otsu, President and Managing Director of Honda R&D, explains: “Compared to liquid electrolytes, the solid electrolyte is chemically more stable.  This enables the use of high-capacity materials such as lithium metal, which could not be used in liquid lithium-ion batteries.”  He also emphasizes that solid-state batteries remain stable at high temperatures – up to 80°C – and have a significantly lower fire risk.

E-motorcycles could benefit even more from this technology than electric cars.  As the battery weight of motorcycles is higher in relation to the total mass of the vehicle, the weight savings could have a significant impact on handling and range.  As production costs fall, Honda could significantly change the market and put electric motorcycles in a new position compared to conventional combustion engine models.



Honda’s pilot project for solid-state batteries could accelerate the development of e-mobility.  There are promising prospects for electric motorcycles in particular, as both the weight and the cost of the batteries could fall significantly.  If the technology is ready for the market by the end of the decade as planned, e-bikes could take a big step towards being suitable for everyday use.

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