In the future, driving too fast in Austria can be really expensive. Even confiscation of the vehicle is to be made possible in some cases. The Austrian Ministry of Transport wants to introduce the higher penalties as early as summer 2021. at least for the most part.

In the future, driving too fast in Austria can be really expensive. Even confiscation of the vehicle is to be made possible in some cases. The Austrian Ministry of Transport wants to introduce the higher penalties as early as summer 2021. at least for the most part.


How do the penalties for speeding in Austria increase?

They want to more than double the penalties in some cases. Currently, 2,180 euros are due for a particularly high speeding offense. The penalty is to be increased to 5,000 euros. So far, however, this punishment has only been imposed very rarely, usually only in very serious cases or in the case of repeat offenders.

In the future, it is intended to create the possibility of even confiscating the vehicle. In the future, it would be possible to confiscate the vehicle in the case of high speeding during dangerous conditions, multiple speeding, driving after having already lost the driver’s license for speeding, or driving too fast without a driver’s license. However, the introduction here is likely to take until the end of the year, as several legal details have to be clarified first. For example, it is unclear how to proceed if the vehicle does not belong to the driver who was speeding.


Foreign drivers could also be affected

Foreigners who are caught speeding in Austria are supposed to pay the fine on the spot, at least if the Austrian Ministry of Transport has its way. However, fines can also be enforced throughout Europe. So Europeans should not be able to avoid paying the fine.

It should also be possible to confiscate the vehicle in the case of citizens who do not live in Austria.


Loss of driving license

Austria wants to lower the limits of speeding offenses, at which one loses the driver’s license, by 10 km/h each. This would mean that the license is gone for at least two weeks if you exceed the speed limit of 30 km/h in built-up areas and 40 km/h outside built-up areas. If you are caught speeding more than 40 km/h in built-up areas or more than 50 km/h outside built-up areas, you will lose your license for at least four weeks.

This regulation also applies to foreign drivers, but only for driving in Austria. So if a German is caught, he is no longer allowed to drive in Austria for the specified time. In Germany, however, he may continue to participate in road traffic with a car or motorcycle.

A new criminal offense is to be introduced, namely “illegal racing”. In future, participants in a race are to lose their license for at least six months and subsequently have to undergo a traffic psychological examination. Here, too, the possibility of confiscating the vehicle in extreme cases is to be introduced.


Anstehende Veranstaltungen

Anstehende Veranstaltungen

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