In a training accident while enduro riding Marc Marquez suffered a concussion. For this reason he had to cancel his participation in the Algarve Grand Prix on November 7. In addition to the concussion, he was also diagnosed with diplopia, which means that he sees a double image.

In a training accident while enduro riding Marc Marquez suffered a concussion. For this reason he had to cancel his participation in the Algarve Grand Prix on November 7. In addition to the concussion, he was also diagnosed with diplopia, which means that he sees a double image.


The binocular double vision comes from a paralysis of the fourth right nerve with involvement of the right obliquus superior muscle. He has double vision downward, but vision upward and forward is not affected.

Damaged was the same nerve that he had also injured in 2011, in a crash in Moto2 in FP1 of Sepang. At that time it took four and a half months until it healed and he could participate in races. At the time, there were already fears that Marc Marquez’s career was coming to an end.

The MotoGP tests on February 5 and 6 in Sepang / Malaysia and from February 11 to 13 at the Mandalika Street Circuit in Indonesia are now also in danger. Some insiders expect up to a year of forced break. Marc Marquez still has a contract with Honda until 2024.

A next checkup is currently planned for the Christmas period.


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