Evolutionary stages and conceptual horizons at Yamaha.
Yamaha Motor will present its vision of the future in mobility at the Japan Mobility Show 2023 at Tokyo Big Sight, which runs from Oct. 25 to Nov. 5. The main attraction in the Yamaha booth in East Hall 5 will be presented under the general theme of “Feel Life.”
MOTOROiD as the key to bringing machine and man closer together.
Back in 2017, Yamaha Motor introduced the MOTOROiD concept, which focuses on a harmonious relationship between rider and vehicle. This follows a philosophy called Jin-Ki Kanno, which describes the pursuit of unity between machine and rider, and aims to provide users with a kind of beguiling euphoria while riding.
MOTOROiD, a model that excels in technology, design, and other aspects, was conceived to test this assumption. This model fuses innovative mobility with smart technologies and raises questions about how future human-machine interfaces might be designed.
MOTOROiD2: Specifications and Innovations
Designed as a continuation and evolution of the original MOTOROiD, the MOTOROiD2 not only brings the ability to recognize and move alongside its owner, but also brings a certain kind of living experience and presence when someone rides it. The model introduces a new blade structure that allows the chassis to have special, responsive, lively reactions to the rider.
Yamaha has also further developed and refined the Active Mass Center Control System (AMCES) for posture sensing and self-balancing, as well as the AI-based image recognition system that responds to the owner’s face and gestures.
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- Kopfhöreranschluss
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