Not everywhere there are regulations on the subject of filtering, or weaving through traffic jams for two-wheelers. Even if it is tolerated in many countries, it does not mean that it is legal. In Western Australia, however, it has now been legalized.

Not everywhere there are regulations on the subject of filtering, or weaving through traffic jams for two-wheelers. Even if it is tolerated in many countries, it does not mean that it is legal. In Western Australia, however, it has now been legalized.


Filtering is allowed there only with a maximum speed of 30 km/h. Strictly speaking, it is also only allowed in areas where a maximum speed limit of 40 km/h applies. This means that it is only permitted in built-up areas and highways are excluded. School zones in built-up areas are also excluded. Student drivers are also generally not allowed to filter.


Apart from that, there are still some rules that should be clear to everyone anyway. For example, you are not allowed to filter in a traffic circle if two lanes are merged into one or if the situation does not allow it and is simply too dangerous.


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  • Permanente Sicherheit: Anzeige beim Start, Alarm während der Fahrt
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  • Einfache Montage, automatische Kalibierung
  • Für Metall. - und Gummi-Ventil (Snap-In) mit Metallgewinde

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-11-21 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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