Already last Friday (May 14, 2021), three-time World Superbike Champion Troy Bayliss had a bicycle accident. In the process, he broke his C4 vertebra and suffered from paralysis symptoms.

Already last Friday (May 14, 2021), three-time World Superbike Champion Troy Bayliss had a bicycle accident. In the process, he broke his C4 vertebra and suffered from paralysis symptoms.


Troy can’t really remember the accident. It likely occurred as another bicyclist was coming out from between two parked cars. Head first, Troy collided with the other bicyclist and lost consciousness. He was immediately treated and taken to a hospital.


Troy’s condition is stable and he has already been able to leave the hospital despite the serious injuries.


Troy Bayliss: “I’m OK and I’m home, but the crash means I won’t be riding a motorcycle until I regain full movement in my arms and hands. I really just wanted to let everyone know what’s happened, that I’m OK and that I’ll be back in leathers as soon as I can. It’s been an intense weekend for me and my family, but luckily I’m OK and I will recover. My doctors have been really positive, but there’s no firm indication of how long it will be until I can regain enough control to get back on a bike – maybe a few months, maybe longer; it just depends on how the recovery goes once the bones heal up.”


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Troy Bayliss

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