After the Trident 660 comes a new crossover bike that will use the same platform. Triumph has now released images of the final prototype, which should show the bike in final form except for a camouflage wrap.

After the Trident 660 comes a new crossover bike that will use the same platform. Triumph has now released images of the final prototype, which should show the bike in final form except for a camouflage wrap.


Based on the Trident

Through the published images, it can be concluded that the Tiger will adopt the main frame of the Trident 660. The exhaust system, wheels and brakes also appear to be identical. However, the rear end is slightly higher than on the sister model.

The seat is stepped and, along with the taller tubular handlebars, gives the rider a low seat and an upright riding position. The high windshield should provide adequate wind protection.

Overall, the Triumph Tiger Sport 660 is likely to be oriented largely towards use on paved roads. The official presentation is scheduled for October, with a sales launch expected in early 2022.

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