In an interview with, Timur Sardarov talked about MV Agusta, and the two cult brands Cagiva and Elefant. There are considerations to reactivate the brands.

In an interview with, Timur Sardarov talked about MV Agusta, and the two cult brands Cagiva and Elefant. There are considerations to reactivate the brands.


Financially stable

Much of the interview is about how MV Agusta has managed to extricate itself from financial difficulties. Originally, the Sardarov family joined MV Agusta as an investor, but then took complete control in 2019.


“One of my first objectives was to resolve the situation of financial stress that the company was experiencing and lay the industrial and commercial foundations for its growth. Today, these objectives have been achieved and we can look to the future with renewed confidence, comforted by the success our new models are achieving.

In 2021 we expect to exceed 100 million euros in turnover for the first time in history, and to triple this figure within the next three years.“


New segments and return of traditional brands?

Currently, the existing model range is being updated and converted to Euro5. Subsequently, the company wants to work on future models and also invest in new segments, for example, a 550 series is also said to be planned.

The Cagiva brand could also be revived. Rumors have long talked about making it an electric brand, but that doesn’t really seem certain.

Sardarov: “Cagiva is a brand that belongs to MV Agusta. Our marketing department is evaluating the possibilities of products with the Cagiva brand and we are also considering whether to define Elefant as a ‘sub-brand’ of MV Agusta or as Cagiva Elefant. The decision hasn’t been made yet.”

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