Mobile or stationary speed cameras are a good way to prevent speeding. However, stationary speed cameras in particular are usually very conspicuous and no surprise, at least on one's own home route or on the way to work. In order to ensure appropriate speed even away from these, Spain is now relying on drones for traffic monitoring.

Mobile or stationary speed cameras are a good way to prevent speeding. However, stationary speed cameras in particular are usually very conspicuous and no surprise, at least on one’s own home route or on the way to work. In order to ensure appropriate speed even away from these, Spain is now relying on drones for traffic monitoring.


The General de Trafico (DGT) has stationed more than 39 surveillance drones throughout Spain. While primarily used to detect dangerous or illegal activity, what can also be traffic violations.

The drones are equipped with powerful cameras that can also clearly display the license plate. DGT’s most popular model is the Thyra V109, which can automatically track vehicles and reach speeds of up to 80 km/h. Flying at around 120 meters, it is also virtually invisible or inaudible.

The drone weighs 6.2 kg, the battery lasts for a flight time of about 40 minutes and the range is 10 km. The camera is controlled by a second person. It is equipped with a 40x optical zoom plus 6x digital zoom.

Other countries are also experimenting with drones right now.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-06 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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