Back in 2017, government representatives in Singapore announced plans to build an intelligent driving circuit (IDC). On it, learner drivers should not only be able to practice driving, but also take a fully automated driving test. The IDC will begin testing in about a year.
As in most countries, driving ability is currently assessed by a human examiner. In the long term, however, Singapore wants to automate this. The test phase will first begin with motorcycle students, before later adding students for car licenses. Before the trial is extended to cars, however, the traffic police are to assess the test results to date.
The following points are to be monitored in the first phase:
- Failure to reach a minimum speed of 30 km/h, before emergency braking for class 2B motorcycles.
- Failure to reach a minimum speed of 40 km/h, prior to emergency braking for Class 2 and 2A motorcycles
- Not looking straight ahead while holding the handlebars with both hands
- Failure to grip the tank with both knees
- Putting the feet down before the motorcycle has come to a complete stop
- Supporting the motorcycle with the right foot instead of the left foot when coming to a stop
- Staggering stop
- Not braking with enough force
- Depressing the clutch before braking
- Applying the brakes too early
- Not closing the throttle to use the engine brake
- Not applying the front and rear brakes at the same time
- Exceeding the permissible braking distance on wet roads
- Falling of the motorcycle
- Leaning the motorcycle more than 45 degrees
The motorcycle riding students will use a motorcycle that has been specially equipped to interact with the IDC. Driving errors will be monitored via various sensors, cameras and other technologies.
Only when a hit rate of 80 percent is achieved on the points listed above will an expansion for passenger car examinees be considered. For regular use as a test, the accuracy must be 100 percent.
However, for exams, the intelligent course will only be used for the circuit components of the test. At least in the first phase, part of the test will also take place in actual road traffic.
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