A shocking incident occurred in Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia, when a drunk driver dragged a motorcycle with his vehicle for a distance of about 500 meters.  The incident caused horror among other road users who tried to get the driver to stop.

The incident in detail

The incident occurred in Malaysia, a region where motorcycles are a common means of transportation, although cars are not uncommon there.  In this case, a Honda HR-V was involved, the driver of which was possibly drunk.  The fact that the right front wheel was missing and the driver apparently did not realize or care that he was towing a small motorcycle (presumably a 125cc bike) supports this assumption.

Fortunately, the motorcyclist was able to jump off his bike and remained uninjured.  The motorcycle, on the other hand, was badly damaged.  The reaction on social media was clear: many called for the car driver to be severely punished and his driving license to be revoked.


Reactions and possible explanations

A video of the incident published on Facebook triggered a wave of outrage.  Most commenters expressed their desire for the driver to be held accountable.  Some speculated that a medical emergency with the driver of the HR-V could be an explanation for the behavior, but even this would not make the situation any less frightening.

Although the driver of the motorcycle escaped with a scare, the material damage remains considerable.

What would you do if you were in such a situation, either as the unfortunate driver who was hit or as one of the many road users who tried to stop the HR-V?

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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-02 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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Shocking incident: Motorcycle dragged by car for almost half a kilometer 5

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