Back in April 2021, Segway introduced the Apex H2 concept, a hydrogen hybrid motorcycle. Now a first prototype has been built and exhibited.
Hydrogen-fueled electric drive
The Apex H2 is an electric motorcycle. Hydrogen is to supply the electricity needed for the electric motor.
So far, there have only been computer-generated renderings, but now the first prototype has been exhibited, showing that the bike is really going to be built.
The futuristic look has been adopted almost 1-to-1, even the single-arm swingarms at the front and rear, although they have also only published pictures of the right side of the motorcycle. The rims, however, are no longer illuminated and street tires were mounted. On the side one can see the hydrogen tanks.
Realistic performance data
Where the specs for many concepts are meant to be convincing with utopian data, Segway seems to be staying more realistic. The Apex H2 is said to have an output of around 80 PS and a top speed of 150 km/h. The Apex H2 is supposed to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in four seconds. A target range has not yet been announced, other than that one gram of hydrogen per kilometer will be consumed.
A release is planned for 2023. A price of around 9,000 euros is currently being targeted.
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