CFMoto’s patent for safety belts on motorcycles
CFMoto has applied for a patent for a system that keeps the rider on the motorcycle in certain situations. The idea is to absorb the energy in frontal collisions and stabilize the rider in the event of sudden braking, while lateral forces cause the safety device to release automatically:
Variant 1: Side bars
This variant features sturdy bars that run from the tank to the seat on each side of the rider. The bars are attached to hinges and open when a slight lateral force is applied, but remain closed when vertical forces, such as those that occur during abrupt braking, are applied. This system is similar to the safety bars on roller coasters.
Variant 2: Swivel stirrups
These are bars that are attached behind the rider and swivel forward to close in front of the rider. This design allows a larger opening for mounting and dismounting and also opens in the event of lateral forces, but remains closed in the event of frontal collisions.
Variant 3: Hip belt
This variant uses a fabric belt that is placed around the rider’s waist. The belt is attached to a short post behind the driver’s seat, which is released in the event of lateral forces. In the event of frontal collisions, however, the belt remains closed and secures the rider.
Integration into the CFMoto 1250 TR-G
CFMoto has demonstrated these safety systems on its 1250 TR-G touring motorcycle, which is currently only available in China. The motorcycle is already equipped with a variety of high-tech features and is ideally suited for the implementation of a radar-assisted braking system. In combination with a front radar, the motorcycle could automatically use the full braking force in the event of an impending collision and stabilize the rider during the entire braking phase.
Critical consideration
The idea of seat belts on motorcycles is not without its critics. One of the main arguments against these systems is that in the event of an accident, it is often safer to be detached from the motorcycle rather than remain attached to it. The risk of being buried under the motorcycle or dragged across the tarmac is significant. In addition, equipment such as loose shoelaces or flapping clothing could get caught in the safety mechanisms and cause additional injury.
Another problem is the reliability of the mechanisms. What happens if dirt or debris blocks the spring mechanisms? Or if the restraints are deformed in the event of a collision and strap the rider in?
While the intention to increase the safety of motorcyclists through innovative technologies is laudable, the implementation of seat belts on motorcycles remains controversial. CFMoto’s proposed systems offer interesting approaches, but still require extensive testing and further development to ensure that they offer more benefits than risks in practice.
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