The engine: an evolution at the heart of the machine
Speculation centers on the use of KTM’s new 1350cc LC8 V-Twin engine, which is set to replace the previous 1301cc version. This engine, which will be used in the 2024 version of the KTM 1390 Super Duke R Evo, offers 188 hp and 145 Nm of torque. It would be a logical step for a possible Brabus 1400 R to be based on this technology.
Diversity through different variants
An interesting aspect of the rumors are the different variants that have been registered under the names “Tailor Made”, “Rocket” and “Signature”. Although the exact direction of these models is not yet known, the naming suggests a diversification that could range from customization to performance to luxury features.
Still in the realm of speculation
It is important to emphasize that all information is rumor. Neither KTM nor Brabus have yet made an official announcement. The registration of the brand names does hint at plans for the future, but until confirmed, much remains in the realm of speculation.
- Hofner, Heribert (Author)
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