Paris has set itself the goal of becoming a pedestrian-friendly city. As a first step, a 30 km/h speed limit will be introduced on inner-city streets.

Paris has set itself the goal of becoming a pedestrian-friendly city. As a first step, a 30 km/h speed limit will be introduced on inner-city streets.


The new speed limit will come into effect in August. The aim is to reduce accidents and noise pollution and make Paris an environmentally friendly city. In addition, the available parking spaces are to be reduced by half, if Mayor Anne Hidalfo has her way.

Motorcyclists will also no longer be allowed to park for free in the future; they will also have to pay parking fees. Moreover, from 2022, these parking fees are to be increased significantly. In addition, more and more vehicles will be banned from the center of Paris. The long-term goal behind this should be clear. 


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