Due to Corona, the motorcycle meeting in Nuremberg could not take place for two years. Nevertheless, it was not forgotten, more than 13,000 bikers met on Sunday in the Münchener Straße.
Meeting without organizer
The meeting on May 1 in Nuremberg has a very unique character. It is not an official event and there is also no organizer. Also to the large motorcycle meeting in the south of Nuremberg has not really something to offer, except thousands of like-minded people and of course endless motorcycles.
The first bikers arrived already around 8 o’clock. In the course of the morning, the number could increase to an estimated 13,000 bikers, which means a new record for the meeting. Thousands of bikers are on site every year, but so far the record was an estimated 11,500.
Accordingly, Münchener Straße was again completely closed to public traffic heading out of town. Only the participants of the meeting were allowed to use the road to park there, but also to ride their bikes through the meeting.
Around 1 p.m. the spectacle was over again. According to the police, there were no complaints.
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