Two weeks ago Marc Marquez had his upper arm operated on for the fourth time.  Now a first follow-up examination took place, with a positive result.

Two weeks ago Marc Marquez had his upper arm operated on for the fourth time.  Now a first follow-up examination took place, with a positive result.


The examination took place at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid and was performed by a whole team of doctors.  The first progress after the operation seems to be quite positive.  The team recommends continuing with controlled exercises for the next four weeks, before the next follow-up examination.


What had happened?

Originally, Marc Marquez suffered a fractured upper arm in a crash during the first race weekend of the 2020 season in Jerez.  During the healing there were various complications, the implanted metal plate bent, which is why it had to be replaced and later a bone graft was necessary due to inflammation in the fracture.


Marc Marquez: “Today I had a medical check in Madrid and the doctors are happy. My arm is immobilized, and it will be like this for the next few weeks. My feelings so far are positive because I have no pain, this is very important. It allows me to rest and follow the doctors’ rules: a healthy diet, drink a lot and try to hang out with our dogs because it is important that the body is not inactive. The most important thing from my doctors is that I have to be calm and patient.”               


Dr. Sanchez Sotelo, MD PhD, Chair of the Division of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Mayo Clinic: “Today, Marc Marquez underwent a medical check-up in Madrid with Dr. Antuña, Dr. Cotorro and myself, confirming a positive evolution of the surgical wound. Starting today, he will begin performing controlled exercises of passive mobilization of the shoulder and elbow until a new revision in four weeks.” 


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