Austria's KSR Group has launched a series of teaser videos announcing a new model.

Austria’s KSR Group has launched a series of teaser videos announcing a new model.


Nothing of the bike can be seen in the video, only the “Follow the M” is omnipresent.

The teaser is about how a young man is repeatedly haunted by daydreams during the pandemic that want to lead him to the “M”. He tells this in the past tense because he has already reached the M and it has changed his life. What the M is about and what was life-changing, however, is not revealed in the first teaser.


KSR Group has Brixton Motorcycles, Malaguti, Lambretta and KSR Moto under its wing and is also the main dealer in Europe for Royal Enfield, Benelli and Niu. Last summer they secured the brand rights for March and Motron.


What exactly the trailer is about remains open, but will be unveiled on February 16 at the latest.


MICHELIN 63001 Motorrad Reifendruck Kontrollsystem*
  • Universalkit für Motorrad, Moped, Scooter mit 2 Sensoren und LCD Display
  • Permanente Sicherheit: Anzeige beim Start, Alarm während der Fahrt
  • Magnethalter, LCD Display abnehmbar mit USB Induktionsladehalter
  • Einfache Montage, automatische Kalibierung
  • Für Metall. - und Gummi-Ventil (Snap-In) mit Metallgewinde

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-06 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

Follow the M

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