The first video for the first Kawasaki with electric drive was already available in November 2019. Now a new video has been released, which also reveals the name of the model.

The first video for the first Kawasaki with electric drive was already available in November 2019. Now a new video has been released, which also reveals the name of the model.


The electric ninja is called “EV Endeavor”. Despite the electric motor, a four-speed gearbox was installed, which results in a familiar driving experience. In addition, you can also save some engine size, although performance data have not yet been announced.


The motorcycle has been developed for around 4.5 years now and it is in an advanced development phase. When or whether the EV Endeavor will come on the market is still open.


Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-07-26 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  





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