Todaythere is an interviewwith theRoadRacerHorstSaiger. Horsthas been riding foryears atthe greatestroad racingevents such as theTourist Trophy on theIsleof Man,NorthWest 200andMacau.This also with great success..
Horstgavethis interviewinGerman. This is a translation. Translationerrors can not becompletelyruled out!
For yearsyou drivevery successfulroad racingand this yearyou attackfor the third timeontheTT. You’re alreadyone of the greatsof theRoadRacing’s, orhow do you seethat?
Copyright by Toni Boerner
Horst Saiger: “There are trackswhere I cankeep upbetter (for exampleNorthWest 200, Macau)and thereare trackslike theTT,where I‘m from the top guysstill far away.”
Last yearyou hadonthe Tourist Trophya fall.Howare you feeling nowafter the accident? If everything ishealedagain?
[sam id=”2″ codes=”true”]Horst Saiger: “All the boneshave healed, onlyin the back, it pullsfrom time to time. But I‘m in trainingto bringthe handicapaway.”
How it came tothe fall?
Copyright by Toni Boerner
Horst Saiger: “It’s simple:I wentbeyond my meansandhave concentratedfullyona fasterdriverin front of me. And I’vegota little too farto the outside andhavetouchedthe curb. I couldnotfor a momentbelieve thatI survived. It wasa very sillyplace.”
How quicklyyou putsomethingmentallygone?Imust say thatmy misfortuneshavethrownmealwaysfar back. How does aprofessionalhandle it?
Horst Saiger: “I used toalways neededsome timeto get backtospeed. Especially withfront wheelfallsas confidenceisquicklygone.But as timehas changedthat.After the fallI couldgotomy usualspeedat the next racefrom the beginning.”
You areselling yourZX-10R holds thecourse recordattheNW200in theSuperstockclass. Yournewyou buildonstraight.Is therea fundamentalchangewhat you want? How will youbepreparedtechnicallyagainst the competition?
Copyright by Toni Boerner
Horst Saiger: “Well, you asked.Yes, therecordbike isstillfor saleand the otherfrom theTT–fall is stillin parts.I buildtwonew bikes.Technically,notmuch will change. I hadprobably one of thebestSuperstockmotorcycles.Asforthe bike, which we useinthe Superbikeclass, wewould like to bringa fewextra horsepowerout. Of course,justwhat is going onwithoutexpense.I am often askedwhyI buildnew bikesevery year.It’s simple:My supportfromKawasakiisbasedonmaterialand thereforeit would be sillynotto rebuild, even if the oldloose forone,wouldgotwoseason. Pleaselogbuyers!”
What does yourappointmentcalendarfor this year?Where willwefindyou?(Fairs, events, races, Glemseck?)
Horst Saiger: “The plan is tocompleteWorld Endurance Championshipwith theBolligerteam, North West 200, TT, TerlickoorUlsterGP, Macao and perhaps even theClassicTT. Thenextshow is theSwissMotofollowed bySpeedyGonzalezexhibitionin Malters. Then I hopethat I canfor KawasakiGermanySchottenringGPagain. GlemseckI do not knowwhich isrunlast yearunhappy.”
What opportunities doyou reckonyouat the racesfrom, andwhat are yourgoals?
[sam id=”25″ codes=”true”]Horst Saiger: “In theNW200it is quite clear, I would like oncepodiumwith my stockmotorcycle.The600ccI alwaysturnonlyto roundbecauseRoute knowledgeis extremely importantin the longroad racing.Andinthe SuperbikeclassTop10resultwould be averybig successas ourSuperbikeismoreor less astockbike.The TTeverysilverreplicais a successandinMacauwould be aTop5agreatplace.”
The thememotorcycleisagain somewhatpopular, there is also atrend forroad racing?
Horst Saiger: “Yes, for sure! Anyone who has beenat arealroad racing, which is not onlyfascinatingbut alsoinfected.”
Yourreports about theTTin the PSwere very well receivedand recentlyyou writenowfor the newspaperMotosportSwitzerland. I had theMotosportnotin the fingers,hence the questionabout whatyou write.Reports oftheRoadRacingwouldofferso,or will there beof youalsoreviewsnewmotorcycles?How often/regularlyiswhatappearsfrom you?
Horst Saiger: “Yes exactly.I have aparttimejob atMotosportSwitzerlandandwritereviewsof new motorcycles, sports events and of courseall theraces thatI myselftake part.”
You’rea strong presencein the social networks. In yourYoutube channelyou showmuch of what“Behind the Scenes” expires.The proximity ofthe fansisveryimportantto you? Do you findalways the timefor it?
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Horst Saiger: “It isimmensely important.First, ithelps me tokeepmy sponsorshappy andsecondly, Icould do withoutthehelp of thefans who supportme with theirT-shirt andDVDpurchases, makenoracing.Thefan baseis clearly theheart of myracing, as it is verydifficult to findmoneysponsorsa sufficientextent.If I findthe time?Fansoften writesomeshitto get in touchwith meand if I‘m tense andhectic,because onceeverythinggoes haywire, I answersomebriskly. I’m sorry!Butwhat the weather isorwhat timeto start therace, everyone canowngooglingthe internet.Butthere is nothing betterthanthe boys and girlsto seewith their greenSaiger-Shirts along the course– this is averynice feeling.At thispoint I must mentionthatwhen my wifeTamarawouldnot, Icouldnotdo it all, she is responsible forT-shirt and DVDsales.To this endtheystill organizedvariousmeetingsorthesponsors andfriendstravelto theNW200this year.We will bemore than 40peoplewhen thegoing wellthen you couldnext yearto advertise apublicsupporterof travel.”
There are severalDVDsfrom you.It`sall aboutSaigerTTI haverecently unveiledhere. Do you plancurrentlyincludes another DVD? If so,you already knowwhatbetrayed? When can we expectit?
Horst Saiger: “Alwaysslow.BeforeI make anewDVD,allpeoplehavethe oldviewfirst of all, haha…🙂 Myfirst DVDwasourmaiden voyageto theNW200. Theylast up to 36minutes andisfilmed withanything that cameto usinthe fingers, from mobile phones toGoProfor the onboardvideoup to theage-oldcamcorder.In the secondfilm, “Terlicko – the goldenminer’s lamp” has accompanied mewithtwocameramenmy friendJürgenGruben ofGrooxmedia productions.Thus, it wasalreadyfilmedprofessionally, but since we nevercould findthe money forediting, music, speaker, etc.I dideverything myself. Since it isalso clear thatthis is myfavorite movie🙂. I have a lotof footageofMacaoin 2014 andalsofrom mytrip toNew Zealandin December, where I havetheCemeteryCircuit, that is in the running for thecemetery ofWhanganui, participated. But at the momentis zerotimeto sortthe whole picturematerialand cuttogether. The newbikes arecompletely disassembledandsoonisalready mytestin Almeria.But in betweenIwantto go to Australia, thenew YamahaR1andDoha, test the newKawasakiH2R.”
Whatwas the craziestthatyou have experiencedin a race?
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Horst Saiger: “At my firstNW200I was in thefinal racebehindBruceAnsteyandattop speed, over 300 km / hthenhita stonekicked upby Brucethroughmy visorand causeda smallcuton my forehead.”
Whichraceorwhich routeyou ismost likeand why?
Horst Saiger: “Anyone who has everdriven on theTT, whichneverthinks aboutother routes. But there are alsocircular routeswitha lot of characterlikeImolaorLagunaSeca.”
Your tipfor theamateur racer, whatdo you think makesfast?
Horst Saiger: “Goall inquiet!Do not makefranticmovements, notevenon the brake Lever and noton the throttlehandle. Thus,do not you takethe bikeout of the restandallforces canof coursebebetter transferredto the street.”
Whatall isinyour privategarage and withitwhatyou drivethe most?
Copyright by Toni Boerner
Horst Saiger: “Inmygarage isaYamahascooteranda mountain bike. WhenscooterI madea bargain andthemountain bikeI havetraded fora barrel ofoil.Otherwise,in the garageonlyspare parts forracingmotorcycles.To driveon public roadonly remains for memyscooterand myvan,with whom Ialsobringeverythingto the races.My favoriteof coursedoon a beautiful summerto ride a bikewithTamara,butnotmuch time left.”
Thank youHorst…
… thatyou tookthe time forthis interview!Who wants to knowmore about himorstay up to date, you should look atSaigerRacingandfollow himon Facebook orYoutube.