From Honda comes 2024 the CBR 250 RR-R.  With a powerful four-cylinder engine, rumored to deliver 55 hp and 20,000 rpm, it will compete with the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-25 R.

The next small motorcycle generation from Honda

In the starting blocks for next year is the brand new Honda CBR 250 RR-R.  This is rumored to feature a four-cylinder engine and boast 55 hp and 20,000 rpm.  For the current year, 2023, Honda has already presented a revised SP version of the Honda CBR 250 RR model. However, this is still powered by a two-cylinder engine, produces 42 hp and is even equipped with a quickshifter.

Like the current CBR 250 RR, the upcoming four-cylinder model is not expected to be available on the European market.  The main market for these motorcycles is Asia. 


Rumors about the Honda CBR 250 RR-R 2024

Now the first pictures and information about the new “Triple R” 250 have been leaked.  One special feature is the all-new four-cylinder engine, which is rumored to produce 55 hp and rev up to 20,000 rpm.  This will put it in competition with the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-25 R, which offers a similar concept.


Equipment of the Honda CBR 250 RR-R

While the engine offers sophisticated technical specifications, the chassis of Honda’s new super-sport four-cylinder seems to be rather restrained in design.  It is a bridge frame made of steel tubes and a narrow rear swingarm with upper beam

At the front, apparently only a single disc brake decelerates, if the pictures are to be believed.  However, this is equipped with ABS. 

In the pictures you can also see a large TFT color display, which suggests a lean angle meter.  It is still unclear which electronic equipment the small sports bike will get.

The currently available sister model CBR 250 RR is equipped with ride-by-wire, various riding modes and an upside-down fork in big-piston design from Showa.  On the first pictures of the RR-R you can also see an upside-down fork, which model it is exactly and whether the Triple-R possibly also gets adjustment options (the RR does not have), can not yet be answered.



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