After the 2021 Motorcycle Demonstration for Depression Help was a huge success, the 2022 event will be held in four cities.

After the 2021 Motorcycle Demonstration for Depression Help was a huge success, the 2022 event will be held in four cities.


Depression taken seriously

Depression is one of the most underestimated illnesses, yet this mental illness should not be underestimated; it can occur at any age and in any demographic.

Dieter Schneider, Peter Grethler and Karl Miller take this widespread disease seriously. They created the Fellows Ride to bring the topic into the public eye. They want to create more understanding for this often underestimated disease. In addition, the Fellows Ride also raises funds for Depression Relief.


Fellow Ride expands

At the premiere in Würzburg/Germany, around 350 motorcyclists gathered. Afterwards, a donation check in the amount of 5,000 euros for three psychiatric projects was handed over to the local university hospital.

Four events are planned for 2022, which will take place in Würzburg, Innsbruck, Wolfsburg and the Odenwald.

More info on the Fellows Ride 2022 is yet to be announced. All information, further background, the possibility to register for a ride (or for the newsletter, which regularly provides the latest information), can be found at



  • Wolfsburg: 11.06.22
  • Innsbruck/Tyrol: 09.07.22
  • Würzburg: 23.07.22
  • Odenwald: 17.09.22


Touratech as partner of the Fellow Ride

For 2022 they have found a strong partner, Touratech will support the Fellows Ride.

“For years Dieter Schneider has been on the road to raise awareness about depression and with his journey and film he lets us understand how people in different cultures deal with the issue,” said Martin Wickert, CMO at Touratech. “With the Fellows Ride, Dieter has created a campaign to keep this attention in mind on an annual basis. Touratech is happy to support Dieter on his journey with equipment and in all areas of communication.”


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