If you brake in the curve or not?

Abgeschliffener gebrochener Helm nach Sturz durch falsches Bremsen
Wenn man nicht richtig bremst kann das die Folge sein. Man schleift über den Asphalt und fliegt in den Graben…

If not, what if you have to brake ? When an obstacle appears out of nowhere? If so, what brake? Front? Back? And in what way? Intermittent brake? Easy? Full? smiley emoticons confusednew

There are indeed such as recently in the new KTM a curve with Bosch ABS which is not a problem, but what makes the rest of us?

Schräglagenbild[sam id=2 codes=true]Braking in a curve is definitely possible and should even be practiced by in case of emergency to be ready. From the rear brake should you prefer rather let the fingers or toes, the degree behind the wheel tends to like to block. Often during sporty driving, the rear brake is neglected anyway and then missing in a dangerous situation even the sensitivity. If the rear wheel in the curve block is located immediately on the road and slipped his bike behind, which if necessary may even still be the better option …

Basically, you have to distinguish whether a brake is really needed. Often you can simply dodge by changing the radius of curvature. smiley emoticons doh

SchräglagenbildBut you have to brake in an inclined position to use the normal front brake. Just not extremely brake from fright, otherwise blocked the front wheel. Of course you need it some feeling and therefore it should be practiced. One must also not be afraid of the righting that automatically occurs (depending on the engine, chassis and tires, this varies greatly). That’s why you drive not equal straight into the ditch. You have the righting only by pressing counteract the inside of the bend handlebar. The harder you brake the more you have to push against the handlebar to avoid putting up. This is something you have to practice to get a feel for it to develop.

Wer gemütlich in die Kurve fährt muß im Normalfall auch nicht bremsen… Genau weiß man es aber nie…

Depending on the inclined position of the tire can bear more or less braking power. You only have a certain grip available and the more accelerates or decelerates is the more you get to the border at the you lose the grip. This is also greatly influenced by the inclination. The more oblique one is the less braking force can withstand the grip.

In a dangerous situation, so it is advisable to slow down in any case, only you have to know what you are doing and can not then start thinking about it. You have to react automatically, then you will always have the better cards. Therefore, it is advisable to practice everything. The best is feeling his way to the braking point, which gives to lock the wheel, slowly and without skew ran. Blocks the wheel – release the brake immediately.

Abgeschliffener gebrochener Helm nach Sturz durch falsches Bremsen
Abgeschliffen und gebrochen

Also, do not frantically hold on the handlebars, the grip comes in large part from the legs (legs together). If you have developed some feeling for the front wheel you can go about to make the braking in a turn to practice. Here I advise them but from braking to Block  smiley emoticons seb zunge

This is all of course just for brakes without assistance systems!

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