The Chinese motorcycle manufacturer Excelle has launched the 525X, a clone of the BMW F 850 GS. In terms of performance, it can't keep up with the original, but the equipment isn't even that bad.

The Chinese motorcycle manufacturer Excelle has launched the 525X, a clone of the BMW F 850 GS. In terms of performance, it can’t keep up with the original, but the equipment isn’t even that bad.


Visually, you can’t deny that it was inspired by the BMW F 850 GS. A liquid-cooled 493.9cc parallel twin provides propulsion. It produces 53 PS and thus does not come close to the 95 PS of the BMW, but this is also due to the slimmed-down displacement.

The 525X’s headlight uses LED technology. The upside-down fork comes from KYB and is adjustable, unlike the BMW fork. However, the Chinese clone lacks adjustability when it comes to the shock, whereas the BMW’s shock is fully adjustable. Optionally, the Excelle 525X is also offered with a single-sided swingarm. Two USB charging ports are also on board. The display can be paired with the smartphone.

In terms of price, the Excelle 525X is priced at 35,880 yuan (4,970 euros) for the basic version, and 41,900 yuan (5,800 euros) for the top model.


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