Blake Savage, a former motocrosser, sits in a wheelchair following a fall in a supercross training session. He suffers from an incomplete paraplegia.

Blake Savage after falling in a wheelchair

Blake Savage is the brother-in-law, coach and friend of German supercross star Ken Roczen. For some time he worked as a fitness coach.
The break is in the area of ​​vertebra C6 and 7. From the chest down he can not move at the moment. The paraplegia is caused by swelling and trauma in the area of ​​the spinal canal. If the swelling goes back, the feeling in the limbs could come back. Whether he can fully recover from the accident is still open.

Blake slowly gets some feeling in his fingers, which gives hope. A very long recovery phase will surely come to him.
Ken Roczen has asked his community on social media to donate to help Savage get by. Although he was insured and gets for such a case $ 47,000 a year, but this sum has already been devoured by the necessary operation. The vortices had to be stabilized so that the damage could not get worse.
The stay in the clinic and the necessary rehab can not be paid.
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