Beeline's latest online route planner makes planning motorcycle trips easier and offers desktop compatibility.  The Beeline Moto navigation device offers international coverage and combines simple design with robust technology.

A new tool for motorcycle enthusiasts

Beeline recently launched a beta version of its online route planner.  This came about in response to high demand and requests from the Beeline community.  Especially for extended tours that include many waypoints and stops, this tool has shown its true value.  Instead of planning only on a smartphone, users can now take advantage of the generosity of a desktop screen.


Advantages and features

The beauty of this is that you don’t need a Beeline account to use the planner.  However, those who take the extra step and sign in with their Beeline credentials can enjoy the benefit of having planned routes saved directly to their app profile.  This means that navigation can be started directly from the app without much hassle.

Embedded in the official Beeline website, the planner can be accessed at .  It is important to note that the current beta version is only available in English.  But don’t worry, a German version is already in the works.  For more information, we recommend a visit to Beeline’s support area.


A milestone within reach

It is also interesting to note that the Beeline Explorometer is about to reach an impressive mark: Nearly 3 million tours have already been registered.


A look at the Beeline Moto navigation device.

The promise of the device?  International coverage.  It supports motorcyclists in a wide range of countries, including the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.  So adventures on two wheels are possible almost anywhere in the world.

The design of the navigation display impresses with minimalism, style and robustness.  The device is not only IP67 waterproof, but also vibration resistant – an important detail considering that it has to withstand many challenges on the road.  Thanks to a quick-release fastener, it can be effortlessly attached to the corresponding holder.

The device is mainly operated via the Beeline app.  This offers two main functionalities: “Route” and “Compass”.  While the “Route” option guides the driver on a direct route to the destination, showing every turn and every road, the “Compass” option only shows the direction of the destination.

It’s available through retailers in Germany, as well as to order directly from the Beeline website.  There are three different housing variants, with the price range between €189.99 and €229.99.


Bestseller Nr. 1

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-07-09 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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