According to media reports, the motorcycle manufacturer, who wanted to build the Vector, an electric motorcycle of the absolute extra class, is insolvent.

Arc Motorcycles is insolvent

Arc Motorcycles raised about $ 1.1 million over crowdfunding two months ago. They wanted to build the Arc Vector, an electric motorcycle, that makes about 140 hp and 397 Nm. The battery should be sufficient for 320 km (in city traffic). The chassis should be made of carbon fiber.

Also planned was a “Human Machine Interface” which sends signals to the driver via a head-up display in the helmet and special motorcycle clothing. The price should be around $ 110,000.

An official opinion of Arc Vehicle Ltd regarding the insolvency does not exist yet. They have until October 10, 2019, to raise the money necessary to maintain the business, otherwise the sale of the business begins.

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