With the new helmet testing standard ECE 22.06, helmets will be even safer in the future. Arai`s Quantic is the first and so far only helmet to successfully pass the new test.
More safety through stricter testing procedure
Currently, testing according to ECE 22.06 is not yet mandatory. It is not yet known exactly when this will be the case, but there will be a three-year transition period during which helmets tested in accordance with ECE 22.05 may continue to be sold.
Helmets according to ECE 22.06 are supposed to increase safety. The test procedure has been tightened, for example, the helmet is tested at a higher impact speed. In addition, the tester may freely choose the point of impact on the helmet, so far warne only a few firmly defined points prescribed. Let’s put it this way, some manufacturers paid a little more attention to these points. So this is no longer possible in the future. The visor must also withstand more according to ECE 22.06.
Head start through motorsport
Since Arai is very active in motorsports, they can also draw on extensive experience when it comes to a safe helmet. Safety research and a corresponding development is part of the daily business in motorsports, so it is not surprising that they have already had a new helmet tested.
Sports Touring Helmet Arai Quantic
The Arai Quantic has been equipped with a newly developed and shock-absorbing EPS lining, as well as a reinforced “superfiber” belt, adopted from Formula 1. Of course, the extra safety has some effect on the weight and price of the helmet. In white, the helmet will cost 649 euros. Colored or with designs are due up to 769 euros.
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