Honda is attracting attention with an unusual prototype: from March 7 to 9, 2025, the Japanese brand will be exhibiting a motorcycle based on the legendary Pokémon Koraidon at the Welcome Plaza Aoyama in Tokyo.  What initially looks like a pure marketing campaign for Pokémon fans reveals a serious project with advanced technology behind it on closer inspection.

Koraidon as a technology carrier with a Pokémon design

The life-size replica of the Pokémon Koraidon measures an impressive 2.5 meters and weighs around 303 kg (668 lbs).  Visually, the vehicle only looks like an eye-catching plastic figure.  In reality, however, it is supposed to be a functional motorcycle with wheels, even if everything is visually concealed by rigid plastic cladding.  Honda wants to show how advanced technologies can be used in a playful and creative way.


State-of-the-art self-balancing technology as the basis

The focus is on Honda’s self-developed balance technology, known as “Honda Riding Assist”.  This was first presented to the public back in 2017.  At that time, Honda demonstrated the system on a converted NC750X, which was able to stand, ride backwards and forwards independently and follow a person.  With Koraidon, Honda wants to go one step further: The motorcycle should be able to stand upright independently without any support, both on two wheels and on four legs – similar to the virtual model in the game.


Interactive elements for a realistic Pokémon experience

Koraidon is said to have movable details such as hands, legs, neck and face, at least that’s what Honda talked about in advance.  However, the images shown now look as if only the legs can move, and even that could only appear to be the case.  According to Honda, these elements will change dynamically depending on speed and movement mode.  Honda is talking about a “Sprinting Build” mode that makes the bike look alive and realistically simulates the movements of the Pokémon Koraidon.  However, it remains unclear whether they are really ready or whether this is a future goal.


Young engineering team with an ambitious goal

A team of around 40 young engineers from various fields – including motorcycles, automobiles and marine – has been working on the Koraidon project since July 2024.  The team’s aim is to spark young people’s interest in the motorcycle industry and mobility technologies in general.  Junichi Sakamoto, chief engineer at Honda, told Nikkei Asia that projects such as Koraidon could help the company to hold its own against new competitors from countries such as China and India in an increasingly globalized market.


Driving operation still unclear

Honda originally planned to get Koraidon moving at a slow speed of around 10 km/h by the summer of 2025.  At the current exhibition, however, the motorcycle is stationary, so it is not clear whether the vehicle will actually be able to walk or move on wheels in the traditional way.  So far, there are no public demonstrations that show whether and how the motorcycle’s legs could actually move.  This remains pure speculation for the time being.


More than just a PR campaign

Even if Koraidon looks like a pure fan project at first glance, there is an ambitious technical development behind it.  Honda is using the popular Pokémon character to draw attention to innovative technologies and tap into potential new target groups.  It remains to be seen how extensively Koraidon will ultimately be technically implemented and what applications could arise from it – possibly also in the assistive area for people with limited mobility.

What is certain is that Honda has successfully combined creativity, pop culture and modern engineering with this unusual approach.

Bestseller Nr. 1
Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel: Tin-Box Paldea-Legenden – Koraidon (1 holografische Karte & 4 Boosterpacks)*
  • Überwinde Vergangenheit und Zukunft mit Pokémon-ex!
  • Bereise die Hügel, Gewässer und Lüfte der Paldea-Region mit einem Legendären Pokémon an deiner Seite!
  • Diese Tin-Box enthält 1 holografische Vollbild-Promokarte mit Koraidon-ex und 4 Boosterpacks des Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiels.
  • Diese wunderschöne Koraidon-Tin-Box eignet sich perfekt dazu, deine Lieblings-Pokémon-Karten aufzubewahren!
  • Eine fantastische Tin-Box für alle, die im Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel ordentlich Schaden austeilen wollen.
Bestseller Nr. 2
Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel: Deluxe-Kampfdeck Koraidon-ex (sofort spielbares Deck mit 60 Karten & Zubehör)*
  • Dieses spielbereite Deck mit 60 Karten enthält 3 holografische Karten – darunter 1 mit Koraidon-ex!
  • Jedes Deluxe-Kampfdeck des Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiels bietet Spielern eine neue Herausforderung mit fortgeschritteneren Strategien und zusätzlichen Power-Karten.
  • Diese Box enthält 1 sofort spielbares 60-Karten-Deck, das 3 holografische Karten und eine Deckbox enthält.
  • Außerdem erhältst du 1 Spielunterlage für 1 Spieler, 1 Schadensmarken-Satz, 1 große Münze, 2 Marken für Spezielle Zustände und 1 Strategieanleitung.
  • Jedes Deluxe Kampfdeck enthält außerdem 1 Code-Karte, mit der du das Deck online spielen kannst.
Bestseller Nr. 3
Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel: Top-Trainer-Box Karmesin & Purpur (Koraidon) (9 Boosterpacks & Premium-Zubehör)*
  • Begib dich auf ein neues Abenteuer mit Pokémon-ex und reise durch die Paldea-Region
  • Lerne die ersten Partner-Pokémon Felori, Krokel und Kwaks kennen und erforsche die Macht der Legendären Pokémon Koraidon und Miraidon als Pokémon-ex
  • Die Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel-Erweiterung Karmesin & Purpur enthält neue Pokémon aus der Paldea-Region und führt Terakristall-Pokémon-ex ein
  • Enthält 1 holografische Vollbild-Promokarte mit Koraidon, 65 Kartenhüllen mit Koraidon, 45 Energiekarten des Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiels, 1 Spielanleitung für die Erweiterung Karmesin & Purpur und...
  • Du erhältst außerdem 6 Schadensmarken-Würfel, 1 bei Wettbewerben zulässigen Münzwurf-Würfel, 2 Kunststoffmarken für Spezielle Zustände, 1 Sammelbox zum Aufbewahren sämtlicher Artikel mit 4...

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-09 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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