As previously reported, there are rumors and even registrations with the U.S. emissions agency that suggest a Yamaha R7 is coming. Now Yamaha has released the first teaser.

As previously reported, there are rumors and even registrations with the U.S. emissions agency that suggest a Yamaha R7 is coming. Now Yamaha has released the first teaser.


On social media, Yamaha has released a video that is titled: “Track. Street. R/World.” . In the video, you first see a race track and then a country road. This all leaves a lot of room for speculation. However, Yamaha of the Czech Republic has also published this video in their stories on Instagram and there it was tagged with “#R7”. However, the teaser disappeared from the page quite quickly.


At the end of the video, you can still hear the engine sound, which is reminiscent of the Yamaha MT-07. This would also fit the rumors that the new R7 is to be based on the MT-07.

An official presentation should follow soon.


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