Background to the Yamaha-CFMoto partnership
In September 2023, Yamaha and CFMoto announced their strategic collaboration, which will see the production of certain Yamaha models in China. This announcement sparked speculation that Yamaha models actually destined for the European market could possibly be produced by CFMoto in China. This idea came about due to CFMoto’s existing collaboration with the Austrian brand KTM – CFMoto already manufactures KTM’s 790 Adventure and Duke parallel twins in China.
Clear message from Yamaha
To clear up any possible misunderstandings, Yamaha Japan made it clear in a statement that the cooperation focuses exclusively on production for the Chinese market. Eric de Seynes, President of Yamaha Europe, explained in an interview with Motorcycle News (MCN) that the aim of the partnership is to serve the specific needs of the immense Chinese market.
No comparison with KTM
Seynes pointed out the differences between the Yamaha-CFMoto partnership and CFMoto’s cooperation with KTM. He emphasized that the cooperation with CFMoto is not comparable to the integration seen in the CFMoto-KTM cooperation. The agreement with CFMoto is an opportunity to effectively serve the growing Chinese market. Seynes emphasized that the differences in scope, organizational structure and communication practices between CFMoto and Yamaha make it clear that this collaboration is not intended as a challenge to KTM’s market position.
Strategic importance for Yamaha
To summarize, Yamaha’s cooperation with CFMoto is a strategic move to meet the specific needs of the Chinese market. A clear dividing line is drawn between this partnership and CFMoto’s cooperation with KTM.
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