A quick look back
In late July 2023, Triumph Motorcycles launched its new video series on YouTube, focusing on the development of the all-new motocross bike. Names like Ricky Carmichael, Bobby Hewitt and Vincent Bereni came on camera to provide insight into the various aspects of this project.
The mystery of the 250cc engine
Having previously focused on the aluminum frame, the video released in August focused on the new 250cc single-cylinder engine. Although Triumph has yet to reveal exact horsepower or torque figures, the videos released so far offer a first glimpse of the engine’s sound – especially when running on a dyno.
Ricky Carmichael, the global off-road ambassador, gave an exciting insight into the engine’s potential: “Normally you have to make compromises. You either have good low-end power or high-end power. But I feel like this engine offers both.” This was also confirmed by Ivan Tedesco, Triumph’s test rider, who emphasized that the engine is suitable for all rider levels – from beginner to professional.
A harmonious interaction between engine and chassis
Another highlight from the talks was the synergy between the engine and chassis. Vincent Bereni, a member of the development team, emphasized the importance of a well-matched chassis. This is the only way to effectively transfer the engine’s power to the ground. The combination of engine and chassis that Triumph has created here seems to offer a balance here, if the specs here are to be believed.
What’s next
The next video, scheduled for September 5, is highly anticipated. Here Carmichael will ride the complete bike. It is currently still unclear whether all the data will already be available here.
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