Background: New US tariffs on European imports
The USA had previously imposed punitive tariffs of 25 percent on European steel and aluminum imports. The EU considers this to be an unfair trade policy and is responding with its own countermeasures as part of a so-called rebalancing strategy. In addition to motorcycles, other US products such as whiskey, peanut butter and jeans are also affected by the additional duties.
While Indian Motorcycle is able to protect part of its European business thanks to a production facility in Opole, Poland – at least for mid-range models – the new customs policy primarily affects Harley-Davidson, as all of the company’s models are produced in the USA. Prices for American motorcycles in Europe could rise significantly as a result of the new import duties.
Protest from the motorcycle industry
The planned tariff increase has met with sharp criticism from the motorcycle industry. The Association of European Motorcycle Manufacturers ACEM (Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles) has spoken out clearly against the measure. Secretary General Antonio Perlot emphasized:
“While we understand the need for a balanced response to trade disputes, motorcycles should not become collateral damage of broader trade conflicts. The motorcycle industry creates high-quality jobs, enables mobility and is an important economic factor. Since nobody wins in trade wars, we demand a fair solution for both sides.”
Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle have also been asked for a statement, but have not yet officially responded. However, it is clear that additional tariffs are generally borne by the importing companies and ultimately passed on to consumers. This means higher prices for customers in Europe.
Possible effects on the market
The transatlantic motorcycle market is closely intertwined. While European manufacturers such as BMW, Ducati and KTM export many motorcycles to the USA, Harley-Davidson and Indian are firmly established in Europe. However, the planned tariffs could make trade considerably more difficult:
- Rising prices: European customers would have to pay significantly more for US motorcycles.
- Falling sales figures: High prices could deter potential buyers.
- Economic consequences: Dealers, suppliers and workshops in the EU could suffer from the measures.
According to ACEM, the association will take part in the EU’s public consultation, which runs until mid-April, in order to obtain an exemption for motorcycles. It remains to be seen whether the EU Commission will respond. If the tariffs remain in place or are even extended, this could have serious consequences for motorcycle trade between the USA and Europe.
Conclusion: What happens next?
The coming weeks will be decisive in determining whether a diplomatic solution is found or whether US motorcycles will actually become 50 percent more expensive in the EU. The motorcycle industry is actively campaigning for the removal of tariffs, but so far the planned measures have not been withdrawn. If the EU continues to pursue its strategy, significant market changes could result – with potential disadvantages for manufacturers, dealers and customers.
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